Jan 13, 2012


Almost everybody knows about the famous Carnival of Brazil - an annual festival held forty-six days before Easter, but do you know that winter season is famous for many other festivals and carnivals around the world?
Today I want to tell you about winter festivals in Canada and USA, and next time - about similar events in Europe and Asia.

Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
February 23 to 26, 2012 
A throwback to Yukon's Klondike Gold Rush days, the Sourdough Rendezvous celebrates the brawny strength it took to survive here in the early 1900s … and the extra hair required to keep warm at -40 degrees. Things get woolly when a good chunk of the local population puts away razors months in advance to prepare for the beard-growing contest and the women's hairy-leg competition.

Quebec Winter Carnival, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 
January 27 to February 12, 2012 
The perennial heavyweight, Quebec Winter Carnival bills itself as the world's largest winter festival. It's best known for its life-sized ice palace, its snow sculptures, and its snowman mascot, and it has a wild streak, too. In the extreme canoe race, paddlers navigate the frozen St. Lawrence River's snow and ice obstacles. The carnival's Caribou cocktail (vodka, brandy, sherry, and port) has a reputation for being feisty, but even that is mild compared to the gumption it takes to scrub down in the snow baths here.  To get more details go to http://www.quebecregion.com/en/what_to_do/ideas/quebec_winter_carnival?a=vis and http://www.carnaval.qc.ca/en/carnival-2012/not-to-be-missed

Fur Rendezvous, Anchorage, Alaska 
February 24 to March 4, 2012 
What began in 1935 as a small gathering of area miners and trappers has evolved into an internationally known 10-day festival of weird and wild proportions.

Cedarburg Winter Festival, Cedarburg, Wisconsin 
February 4 to 5, 2012 
During the dark days of winter, the Cedarburg Winter Festival just north of Milwaukee takes popular summerfest events and slaps them on snow and ice.

Fire and Ice Winter Fest, Lava Hot Springs, Idaho 
February 3 to 5, 2012 
It takes locals extra doses of both fire and ice to shake the winter blues in Lava Hot Springs, where average February temps typically hover in the 20s. And this festival, no doubt, is one shocking remedy.

Slush Cup Weekend, Schuss Mountain, Bellaire, Michigan 
March 2 to 4, 2012 
When winter starts to drip, Michiganians near the tip of the mitten get silly. Slush Cup, a Schuss Mountain tradition for 30-odd years, peaks with the weekend's main event: racing skis and snowboards across a 40-foot pond while sporting a ridiculous costume.

And last but not least, Lambertville - New Hope Winter festival, (2 small towns sitting on opposite sides of the Delaware River in the western part of New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania) just about 90 minutes drive from New York.  The numerous events include Live demonstrations of Ice sculptures creation, Parade, Fire And Ice Ball, Beef and Brew, Snow Folk Art, and many others. For detail schedule of all events and concerts please go to http://winterfestival.net/schedule.html and for driving directions - http://www.newhope-pa.com/html/directions_to_new_hope.html

Now it is up to you to decide where to go.
There is still time to make all reservations!

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