This is the first installment in the "Paris Off the Beaten Path" series. The article was written by two friends: one lives in Paris, the other visits frequently.
When visiting Paris it is imperative to visit all the famous landmarks that this amazing city has to offer. But it is the hidden gems that give you a true flavor of the Parisian life. One such place is Place Dauphine, It's a charming square (located on Ile de la Cité just between Pont Neuf and the Supreme Court, a short walk from Saint Michel and Notre Dame) where you can hide away and take a rest from walking the streets of Paris and pick a restaurant to have a delicious French meal in. One suggestion is La Rose de France where you can sit on the terrace and observe the locals play pétanque (ball game similar to bocce and bowls). Once you are back on your feet and ready to explore there are two museums that are not most popular but are fantastic - Shoah Museum,, and Jacquemart-Andre Museum,, though they are located on opposite sides of town. Ideally you can proceed to the Shoah Museum which is a modest walk away along the Seine. The Jacquemart-Andre Museum is best when combined with brunch which they serve on premises in a fancy bourgeois setting.
See you next week with the next installment....
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